Thursday 17 April 2008

Sometimes I ache for heaven. I just long for the day when I will be with Jesus forever. It's not like things are rubbish in my life or anything, it's just that I'm VERY aware that this is not my home. I was made for more. We all were. My longings were not meant to be satisfied here. And so I ache inside for the day when they will be.

I long to be home.

In other news, here is my latest favourite conversation with an old person:

Me: Are you ready to come downstairs for lunch?

Old lady: Yes, I'm just getting my things I look ok? Well I suppose it doesn't matter, it's not a fashion show is it!!

Me: Well if it is then I'm certainly not dressed for it!

Old lady: Oh you are!! I can imagine the commentary - 'and here comes the lady dressed in a beautiful white pinny (!?), with the finishing touches of a pair of black trousers! She didn't expect it, but she's the bell of the ball!'

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