Saturday 29 November 2008


So, I followed the link on Andy Shudall's blog to another blog which linked me to this 'blog analyser!' It uses what you've written on your blog to tell you what your myers-briggs personality type is. The result is scarily similar to what doing the actual myers-briggs test told me, and took much less time!
So, this is what my blog says this about me:

ISFP - The Artists

The gentle and compassionate type. They are especially attuned their inner values and what other people need. They are not friends of many words and tend to take the worries of the world on their shoulders. They tend to follow the path of least resistance and have to look out not to be taken advantage of.

They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family above what they do for a living.

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